Category Archives: FYI

PAC Meeting Tuesday January 21 at 7:00pm

Everyone is welcome to attend the next PAC Meeting on Tuesday January 21 @ 7pm.

If you are unable to attend but would like to be put on the email list to receive the PAC minutes please forward your email address to or join us on facebook at Kildala PAC.

Thank you for your support.

KILDALA PAC SUBWAY is starting up again!

subwayAll parents will receive Subway lunch order forms on Friday, Jan.10th.  The deadline to return the forms and payment is MONDAY morning, Jan. 13th.  Subway lunches will be on Wednesdays, the first lunch is on Jan. 15th and the 2nd on Jan. 22nd.  NO late orders accepted.  Please include exact change and make cheques payable to Kildala PAC.  If you have ordered your lunch and will be away, please contact Subway at least the day before to make other arrangements for your lunch, otherwise your lunch will be given away.  If you have any questions, please contact Tina Readman or e-mail  All proceeds go to the school to benefit the students!  Thank you for your support.


PAC-2a7f38d9[1]  Calling on ALL parents!  Get involved, support your kids and your school!  Contact PAC by e-mail, to inquire how you can help.