Canadian Parents for French

What is CPF?

CPF was founded in 1977 by parents who wanted to ensure that children would have the opportunity to become bilingual in the Canadian school system. Originally a small group of concerned parents who met in Ottawa, CPF has evolved into a proactive national network with 11 Branch offices and some 170 Chapters in communities coast to coast.

What Does CPF Do?

Advocacy and Support for FSL Education:  CPF promotes quality FSL education at national and provincial/territorial levels both independently and through collaboration with like-minded organizations. CPF works with teachers, principals, trustees and school boards to promote and improve FSL opportunities at the local level.

Culture:  CPF seeks to raise awareness of the value of learning French as a second
language by sponsoring cultural events in communities throughout Canada.

Member Services:  As a grassroots organization, CPF prides itself on the service and value offered to its members. Acting as an information resource for parents, organizing community events and running summer camps, CPF services continue to expand to meet the needs of its members.

CPF works with teachers, principals, administrators, trustees, and other community leaders to maintain and strengthen French second language programs in Canadian schools.

Across Canada:
CPF National works with the federal government and national organizations involved in education to create an environment supportive of French second language education. CPF provides volunteer training and development. CPF provides information and resources about French second language learning.

In your province or territory:
CPF Branches works with Ministries or Departments of Education, teacher organizations, and other groups concerned about education to ensure that there is support for French second language education.

CPF organizes French language activities for students from across the province or territory.

In your community:
CPF Chapters organize in-school activities such as winter carnivals, performances by
French speaking artists, public speaking contests and a myriad of activities that support and enhance learning French.

CPF sponsors out-of-school programs such as winter and summer camps, exchanges, educational visits and weekend workshops for all students learning French.
CPF fundraises to support these activities and to provide materials.