Healthy Packed Lunches

Packed lunches and snacks give children energy and nutrients they need to learn and play at school. Without energy from food, children may feel tired and unable to concentrate in class. If tasty, healthy food is not available when children are hungry, the chances that they will reach for unhealthy junk food is greater. 

Be prepared

Packed lunches can be a chore and difficult to prepare at the last minute. Try making lunches the night before to ease the morning routine. Cut up veggies and fruit and store in the fridge for easy access. 

Involve Your Child

Having your child participate in preparing their lunch empowers your child to take ownership and they will more likely eat all their packed lunch and snacks.  Display the Canada Food Guide to give your child a visual reminder of what foods are better for them. Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide – Main Page – Health Canada


Sip Smart 
Sugary drinks (pop, “fruit” punch, sports drinks etc) have a lot of sugar. These “empty” calories and simple sugars (sugar that rapidly enters the blood stream causing the “sugar high”) add up quickly and can lead to unhealthy weights which puts kids at risk for diabetes, high blood pressure and even heart disease. Freeze reusable water bottles and add to lunch bags  to provide additional cooling to packed lunches. 
Don’t forget to include a snack for mid-morning in your child’s packed lunch. Children who head out the door without eating a proper breakfast are more likely to be hungrier mid-morning and less able to focus in school. 
Kildala Elementary School is a peanut and peanut butter free zone. There are many safe alternatives to peanuts and peanut butter that taste good and are still nutritious.