November Newsletter!

November Newsletter! 

Principal’s Message

I would like to begin by thanking the Parent Advisory Council for all the support and help that they have given me personally and to the school. It has made such a difference in our day to day lives.

Special thanks is extended to Kim Robinson for setting up and managing our new web page which is found at:    It is an amazing website where you will find all of the latest news about Kildala Elementary.

BRRRRRR…………….It’s Cold Outside………………

We are finding that students are coming to school without the appropriate dress for the weather. We generally like students to go out and have some fresh air play time during the day, so they need to be dressed with enough clothing so that they can be outside for 15-30 minutes.                                           We do have some donated snow pants, coats and boots at the school and if you would like to see if anything we have will fit your child just ask at the office and we will show you our storage area.

Upcoming Events                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Scholastic Book Fair: Nov 28, 29 & 30th

We are hosting a Scholastic Book Fair in the library on November 28th to 30th. Students will be given information about this event on the week before the went. Thanks to parent volunteers who offered to help out. Books make a wonderful Christmas gift, so come and check out our event!

French Book Swap: Thursday, December 1st 

Please donate your used French language books to the book swap that is happening on December 1st. There is a book drop-off box outside of our library. Thanks to the Kitimat Parents for French group for organizing this worthy event.

Kildala Christmas Potluck Dinner and Christmas Talent Event 

Thurs. Dec 8th doors open at 5:30 pm, dinner at 6:00 pm

All Kildala Families are invited to our Christmas Potluck Dinner. Bring a nut-free dish to share with others. Turkey, ham, buns and beverages will be provided. Bring a non-perishable food item for donation to the Kitimat Food Bank. Students are invited to share some Christmas Talent Entertainment ……….a song………a poem………..a dance…………..  All Talent Show Entries are asked to use a Christmas theme in their performance. Come celebrate the season with us!!

Kildala Christmas Concert:  Wednesday, December 14th 

All parents and family members are invited to come to our annual Christmas Concert which is being held on the morning of December 14th. 


First Nations Resource Centre located at Kildala School

The next time you are visiting the school please feel free to visit our new First Nations Resource Centre which is located right next to the office. This resource centre houses a collection of First Nations books, art work and carvings. These items support our teachers and students in learning about First Nations culture and promote cultural awareness. This resource centre makes it easy and fun for our students to learn about and share in the rich First Nations culture and tradition.

Mrs. Jeannie Stepp is in charge of the resource centre and it is open every day in the afternoons. Please feel free to drop in to meet Jeannie and see what we have to offer.

Parent Volunteers Needed for After School Sports! 

In the new year we would like to offer intermediate students after school sports. We are asking parents…..yes dads too…….to consider whether they could help out and coach a once a week sports event for a 6 to 8 week period. Parents could team up to make the task easier.

We are happy to organize the events and get team players. The intermediate students are eager to participate in sports, but they need some coaching and leadership to make it happen.

Kildala School has a sports contract which students and parents must sign to participate. This promotes a level of dedication and involvement as well as laying down some ground rules.

If you are a parent interested in helping our please contact Agnes at the school (250)632-6194.

Lost and Found Box

Please feel free to check out the lost and found box at anytime. Once a month during the last week of the month we lay out all unclaimed lunch boxes and clothing items for about three days. Unfortunately for health reasons we cannot keep these items forever and we dispose of them.

Kildala Supports the Kitimat Food Bank

Kildala students, families and staff have regularly supported the Kitimat Food Bank. This Christmas we are hosting a food drive for this worthy organization.

November 30th and December 1st Early Dismissal Days

On Wednesday and Thursday, November 30th and December 1st students will be dismissed one hour early in order to allow extra time for parent/ teacher interview. On those days students will be released at 1:45 pm.

Bus schedules have been adjusted for the early dismissals and buses will be available to bring students home an hour early.

You are invited to phone the school and make arrangements to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss your child’s school performance and academic work. School phone number is  250-632-6194. 

Grade 6/7 Leadership Team   

Many grade 6 and 7 students have signed up for the Leadership team this year.

These students help to organize and run many events that happen in and around school. Some of these events are: coaching the primary games that happen on Tuesday and Thursday at lunch, doing the ordering and delivery of pizza on pizza days, Kindergarten helpers and office helpers to name a few.

If you have a student in grades 6 or 7 ask them about their involvement in this group. I am very grateful to these students for their help. Kildala School would not run as smoothly as it does without them!