Out of School Care Program

The Kitimat Child Development Centre offers an Out of School Care Program at Kildala Elementary School.  It is a safe, busy and fun place.  Children may come directly from class at dismissal, and wait for you to pick them up at the end  of your work day.

Children may arrive as early as 7:00 a.m.  The children remain in our care until the morning bell rings.  After school they return to the program until parents pick them up. We are open until 6:00 p.m.  The centre is open on Non Instructional Days,  during Spring and Christmas breaks.

Our parents appreciate the need for this service as it provides a safe, social and learning environment.  A weekly schedule of planned themes, crafts and healthy snacks is prepared and posted in our classroom. 

The children are given a variety of activities and projects such as,  in class mini golf,  Mother’s Day tea,  a six foot long dragon sculpture and daily readings from adventure books.  The children have shown Social Responsibility by collecting funds to aid in Japan Earthquake devastation as well as for the Tsunami relief. This year we will identify with the children the next social responsibility action.  In awareness of the importance to show kindness to others, the children have adopted the greeting, “BAF” when going to their classes for the day………..Be a friend.


Full Time Monthly Rate

  • Before and After School $350.00 (NID’s included)
  • Before OR After School  $300.00 (NID’s included)

Casual Hourly Rate

  • $10.00 per hour (depends on availability, and prior notice must be given to the centre)

Non Instructional Days

  • $50.00 per day

For more information please contact the Kitimat Child Development Centre located at 1515 Kingfisher Avenue in Kitimat, B.C. (250)632-3144 or contact Diane Thiessen at the Kildala Out of School Care Program at (250)632-8745.