Munch a Lunch

Kildala PAC Hot Lunch Orders

Hot Lunch Orders are now ordered through Munch a Lunch with ordering being completed every few weeks. The menus are updated within each block for the local restaurants that PAC has partnered with for this program.

Current Local Restaurants Participating Include:

  • Pedro’s
  • Timmy’s Deli
  • Subway

Kildala Elementary School (

Notice is sent out via school email and on the Kildala PAC Facebook page when order timeframes are open with instructions on the length of time the orders are being accepted for each block. NO LATE ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED.

Please note, if your child is sick on a lunch date, you are welcome to call the office BY 11:00 AM to request a pickup; otherwise please consider it a donation for another child. Consistent with previous years, there are NO REFUNDS as this is a PAC Fundraiser. We appreciate your support to Kildala PAC! All parents are welcome to come to the PAC meetings to see where the funds are going. PAC Meeting dates/times are announced in the Monthly Newsletter.