March 11 & 12
In the School Library
Come out and bid on a YUMMY cake!!
If you are donating a cake please bring it to the office Wed morning (Mar.11)
Cake donors don’t forget to put your name into the draw bin for the $100 prepaid visa.
March 11 & 12
In the School Library
Come out and bid on a YUMMY cake!!
If you are donating a cake please bring it to the office Wed morning (Mar.11)
Cake donors don’t forget to put your name into the draw bin for the $100 prepaid visa.
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To Kimberly Wasyleski and Kirsti Duckworth (PAC president and Treasurer) on their presentation to The District of Kitimat for a donation to the playground fund.
Please come out and support them at the Council Chambers, Northwest Community College, 606 Mountainview Square. Meeting begins at 7:30 p.m.
Hope to see a good show of support out there tonight. We are getting very close to our goal and a donation from the district would put us almost there :)
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