First Nations Resource Centre



The First Nations Resource Centre located at the Kildala Elementary School enhances and supports the education of all First Nations students in Kitimat.  The goal of the First Nations Resource Centre is to assist in building foundations for the development of teacher resources and Special  Education Programs to incorporate into Kitimat classrooms. 

There are a variety of materials available to teachers to make incorporating student learning about First Nations culture easy to access and fun for students. Materials available to teachers include but are not limited to: Tribal finger puppets, First Nations novel studies and reading power programs for all ages. In the Resource Centre you will find beautiful local First Nations art on display. 


Jeannie Stepp is the First Nations Resource Centre Librarian. Jeannie has 15 years experience as a First Nations Support Worker in the classrooms of B.C. schools working with First Nations Students. 

There are two First Nations Support Workers at Kildala Elementary School. First Nations Support Workers play a vital role within the education system by acting as role models within the schools and providing academic support for First Nations students.