Out of School Care Program

The Kitimat Child Development Centre offers an Out of School Care Program at Kildala Elementary School.  It is a safe, busy and fun place.  Children may come directly from class at dismissal and wait for you to pick them up at the end of your workday.

Children may arrive as early as 7:00 a.m. and remain in our care until the morning bell rings.  They are taken outside before the bell so that they may have some time for outdoor physical activity.  After school, they return to the program and are provided a healthy snack consisting of at least two items from the Canada Food Guide. We are open until 6:00 p.m.  The center is open on Non-Instructional Days.

Out of School Care Philosophy

To provide a safe, inclusive and caring environment where children may experience fun and friendship, encouragement to problem solve and a place where our motto “B.A.F” (Be a Friend) is regularly practiced and recognized.

Our parents appreciate  this service as it provides a safe, social and learning environment.  A weekly schedule of planned snacks, crafts and activities are posted in the classroom.

The children are encouraged to participate in several activities that range from sewing and science experiments to activities that promote cooperation and teamwork.

The children take part in a variety of special projects that are done on a yearly basis such as: The Winter Village, Mother’s Day Tea, and the Father’s Day Challenge. A lot of our projects are done using recycled materials.

To promote kindness to other the program motto is “B.A.F” (Be a Friend). Throughout the year we come up with ways to model and recognize ‘being a friend’ and share our motto throughout the school.

Our program is committed to promoting healthy growth and development through Active Play and movement in partnership with Kitimat Leisure Services.


Full-Time Monthly Rate

  • Before and After School $380.00 (NID’s included)
  • Before OR After School  $325.00 (NID’s included)

Registration Fee: $25.00

Childcare subsidy accepted. Please contact CCRR at 1-888-638-1863 for applications.

For more information please contact the Kitimat Child Development Centre located at 1515 Kingfisher Avenue in Kitimat, B.C. (250)632-3144 or contact Janet Theriault at the Kildala Out of School Care Program at (250)632-8745.