Welcome Back To School!

I would like to welcome the school community to the 2012-2013 school year! We are all looking forward to working with all of you this year on behalf of Coast Mountains learners, and continue to make progress towards our district goals.

Shared Vision – “Coast Mountains School District shall become a high performance rural school district”

District Goals – To raise literacy levels in district elementary schools. – To increase success and graduation rates for all learners. – To challenge and engage all students, while increasing their ability to be socially responsible. – To support staff and student growth through professional learning, networking and the sharing of wise practices.

I look forward to continue leading the way to turn these goals into reality, and I hope you will all join the Board of Education, School District 82 staff and myself in this quest for successful learning.

If you require information on which school your child should attend, please call (250) 638-4401 or 1-855-635-4931, Local 4401.


Nancy Wells Superintendent of Schools

PRE-REGISTRATION FOR ALL SCHOOLS WILL BE WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, AUGUST 29 & 30, 2012 Kindergarten pupils are requested to begin attending on the date arranged by the school.  Pupils not pre-registered should register on the above-mentioned dates.

SCHOOL OPENING – SEPTEMBER 4, 2012 FOR ALL STUDENTS (EXCEPT KINDERGARTEN) at the times listed on the 2012-2013 Bell Schedule for School District 82 CMSD82 Bell Schedule 2012-2013

Note: On September 4th only, Mount Elizabeth Middle School, Grades 7 to 9, report to the large gym at 9:00 a.m.; Mount Elizabeth Secondary School, Grades 10 to 12, report to their home room at 12:30 p.m.

Buses for all schools will make their morning runs at the usual time and their return runs after students have been in attendance for approx. two hours. A second bus run for Mount Elizabeth Secondary will begin at 11:40 a.m. on September 4th only.



Terrace:  School buses will only be provided to students living outside the city boundaries.  Those students living within city boundaries should consult the Terrace Regional Transit System for scheduling information and rates at 250-635-2666.

All areas:  Questions or concerns regarding routing and scheduling should be addressed to the school district’s Facility Services Department at 250-638-4418 or 1-855-635-4931, Local 4418, for out-of-town.

For your interest, please find the CMSD82 2012-2013 Return to School Messages which ran in local newspapers in preparation for the upcoming school year: