Code of Conduct

Kildala Elementary School is a “School Family” environment providing a safe, caring and structured place for learning. 

Code of Conduct…
…has been structured to align with and adhere to the standards outlined in:

Our School Rules

It is expected that everyone attending or visiting this school will follow these guidelines:

1. Respect people’s personal property, rights, and the school property.
2. Be truthful, honest, and courteous, and use polite language to one another.
3. Follow the rules of the school and the classrooms.
4. Act and dress in a way that shows you are proud of yourself and your school.
5. Put your best effort into all that you do.

as well as:

The School Act 85 (1.1) 168 (2) (s.1) Provincial Standards Ministerial Order 276/07, effective October 17, 2007
BC Human Rights Code

BC Ministry of Education: Safe, Caring and Orderly Schools A Guide (Nov. 2008) and Developing and Reviewing Codes of Conduct: A Companion (Aug. 2007) both found at

Learn more in our pamphlet on the Kildala Elementary Code of Conduct